Going Gently

flower“To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of metta. Through lovingkindness, everyone & everything can flower again from within.”
Sharon Salzberg

Dear Folks,

The Fall 2013 online Stress Cleanse is in its last days and as always, I learn so much from our participants!

One woman writes,
“There was something that you said in the 60-minute meditation that I found really quite compelling.  I quoted you to half the world, but now I can only paraphrase – it was the idea of being kind to oneself and going gently through life.  It really struck me.  A shift in perspective makes all those sharp small things that one confronts brush by one safely or become near misses rather than slowly eroding one’s sense of well-being and comfort.”

What I learned again from this comment is how great an impact even a small choice of words has on someone.  That what we all say and do matters, including me.

Please be good to yourself today and this week, whatever that means for you:).  As you know already, that kindness will spill over into the world around you easily once you are full.

I have been reminded over and over lately that I need to remember to drink from my own mug first before I can genuinely serve others. I guess we are all passengers in an airplane learning how to put our own life vests on first before we help the person next to us!

What are some not-so-small instances of kindness you have noticed in the past few weeks?  Kindness accumulates in us so we’d all be grateful to have you share!



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