Clearing and Identity

I spent part of my day yesterday clearing out my desk drawers of accumulated old paid bills and papers from the last couple years. In the beginning, I felt energized and full of resolve, sorting papers into category piles to help me decide what I need to recycle and what I need to keep. Pretty […]

Wisdom of Fireflies

Dear Folks, One fourth of July evening when I was 13, my mother, sister and I sat out on a hillside near our house in Virginia. We pretended we had fabulous balcony seats overlooking a phenomenal light show. In front of us was a small forest of bamboo run wild from lack of knowledge about […]

Unexpected Benefits

“What are the benefits of practicing meditation?” a newcomer asked at a recent Still Water Mindfulness Practice Center orientation to an evening of mindfulness and meditation. Later, I thought of an answering question to understand better where the speaker was coming from, “What are you wanting from the practice. What is it you are longing […]

Stepping Up

  “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. We’ve all had the experience of getting in the groove with something, exercising, playing an instrument, eating healthily, practicing meditation, and then letting one week slip by without doing that activity. Then without meaning to skip […]

Coming Home to Ourselves

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” –Edith Sitwell Dear Folks, I was walking down a neighborhood street this week and suddenly realized I had no idea where I was. The […]

Follow Your Rhythm

“As you begin to realize that every different type of music, everybody’s individual music, has its own rhythm, life, language and heritage, you realize how life changes, and you learn how to be more open and adaptive to what is around us.” —Yo-Yo Ma “One-two-three, One-two-three, One-two-three…” Does that sound familiar? Yesterday my music teacher […]

Step by Step

This week I was given an unexpected gift. A client who had been considering taking a break from coaching with me, realized that it was really her fear about the fragile economy that was influencing her decision.  Because of the general economic uncertainty, she was feeling like she should stop paying for more coaching sessions. […]

Joyful Impressions: the Dalai Lama in DC

I was lucky enough to spend time at the Kalachakra Ceremony at the Verizon Center in DC with the Dalai Lama last month. The Dalai Lama was in DC for 11 days in July, during which he and a group of monks created a sand mandala and a sacred space in the Verizon Center with […]